1 Law:: كرد. the shareholders shall elect one of their number to chair the meeting. • choose, -ing, choice; select, ~ing, ~ion; appoint, ~ing, ~ment (also انتصاب ); co-opt ( to choose or select into a body or group as a fellow member 2 a : to appoint usu. As a colleague b : to appoint or deputize summarily); coopting; co-optate, co-optating, co-optation (the members [of the Bar Council] are partly elected and partly co-opted – JBS( ● depute; impanel (also empanel) ( : to enter in or on a panel : enroll (as a list of jurors) in a court of justice) ● co-opt : to select as a meber
فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه